The Salvation Army asked Kern-Coleman for assistance during the holidays to help raise funds. Anyone interested in volunteering for the Kettle Campaign the information is located in the break room. The season will begin on Monday, November 8th and conclude on Friday, December 24th. They operate kettles from 10am to 8 pm - Monday throught Saturday. "Register to Ring" You may also go to their website by clicking on the link below:
There's hungry children out there. Please bring your canned food. We want to fill up the cart in the lobby.
Note: The baby in the picture was only used for this blog. She will not be in the cart when you take your food to the lobby. Also, she will not be eating the food donated.
We are collecting cans of food until November 24th. We have employees running in the following race. We want to collect food for the hungry and show support to our co-workers. Please click on the link below for more information regarding this race Savannah Christian Church and Fellowship of Christian Athletes is doing. Race will be held Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 8:30 am. Our company cart will be located in the lobby. Thank you for giving to people less fortunate! We will keep you posted on the progress.
Tanya needs site photos at Valdosta State. Will anyone be in the area during the next couple of weeks? If not, do you know anyone in the area who could take a few pictures? If so, please contact Tanya.
We are running low on t-shirts. If you are interested in a t-shirt please see Libby asap. They are only $10! Real men look good in pink! We will be wearing them for the Buddy Walk too!