Who is Brian?
I am an only child who was raised by a single mother for the majority of my elementary years. My parents were divorced before I was one, but this is probably the best thing that could've happened to me. Basically, ever since I can remember, I've had two fathers and two mothers. Everyone played pretty important parts in my life. I have two step-sisters and one step-brother, but lived alone with my mom and step-father.
I grew up in Walterboro, but lived in the big city of Cottageville, SC. We have two yellow caution lights, two gas stations, and a recently opened Subway and Dollar General. Everybody knows everyone through somebody. My mom's house is like an antique store while her yard is like a farm. She has 2 horses, 7 or 8 chickens, 4 goats, 4 daschunds, and a pot bellied pig. I always had animals growing up. When I was younger, my friends lived about two miles by road or half a mile through the woods; so we walked through the woods to play. That's where the majority of our time was spent. It wasn't rare for me to disappear after lunch and come home at dark. Every time I left the house, the only thing my mom would worry about was watching out for snakes and not getting hurt. That is something I did a lot of. I think I've had four sets of stitches, two broken arms, been knocked out, and had a broken collar bone; and all of this was before I was out of elementary school. I didn't like to tell anyone I got hurt either. When I broke my collar bone in 1st grade, I didn't tell anyone. The only way they knew was when I got bumped into and just started crying.
In high school, I drove a 1987 Ford F-150 that I paid for. It was an old, beat up truck you had to climb into. I use to leave the key in the ignition because turning the key wasn't the only thing you had to do to crank it. Unless you were my close friend, it didn't matter if the key was in it or not, you weren't going to be able to crank it. All through high school I was known as Logan, Little Logan (I didn't weigh but about 120), and Logan with the Slogan (I've always had good words of advice!).
My wife and I are close to our families. We'll get to her later. My family got together every Sunday for a big lunch, and when I mean family, it was practically a family reunion every Sunday. That was the day I looked forward to; being able to hang out with family and play football in the backyard, or throw walnuts at 18 wheeler trucks as they drove by. It just depended on how we felt. As for my wife, she talks to her parents just about every day on the phone.
Lindsay and I have been married for 3-1/2 years now, and have been together since I was a senior in high school (2000). I know it is hard to believe, but yes, as handsome and good-looking as I am it has been that long. I did have to fight off a few girls in between. We now own a house in Sandfly and have one daughter. A 3 year old yellow lab named Lyla. She is very good, potty trained, and if she is bad, we just throw her outside. Our house is about 80% furnished by our parents. My mom loves to shop, and I am her only child. Everything to do with electronics she either bought for herself and wanted an upgrade, so she gave it to us. Basically I've learned to watch what I say because she'll buy it.
What are your hobbies and interests?
I have always played sports growing up. I was in the band my freshman year, and quit to play baseball throughout high school. I played all intramural sports in college, and currently am the All-Star on Chuck's softball team. I also play kickball and a little tennis. Growing up, if it wasn't competitive, we made it. We had to make things up in Cottageville. We used to play tag by throwing cow patties at each other while riding the four wheeler. We also use to shoot an arrow in the air to see who could land it closest to themselves. We only hit the top of the car once! And of course, I'm an outdoorsman. I hunt and fish as much as possible and as many things as possible.
I also love to travel. I try to go on a big trip as least every other year with small trips in between. If anybody wants to travel or has a relative who wants to make some extra money, I'm there. I'll sleep in the guest room, floor, basement, you get the picture. I don't like going to the same place twice no matter how much I enjoyed it. There is always somewhere to go that I will like just as much.
What do you plan to do when you retire?
Retiring doesn't look too promising right now, so I think I'll try to enjoy life as much as possible now. I'm one of those people that will save enough for retirement, but what if I don't make it that long. I might as well enjoy my money now, while I'm young. My kids can take care of me! And if I do make it to retirement, I'll just start doing crazy things again. Skydiving, diving, bungee jumping, whatever I can handle.
I was in the middle of a domestic dispute once while driving to college on a back country road. A man, with his church clothes on, ran his wife off the road and then tried to run her over as I came around the curve. Obviously they were in two separate vehicles. I stopped before I knew what was going on, and the woman beat on my window, so I let her in. As I took off, the man decide to hit me going about 80 while I was going about 30. Both cars were totaled, but that didn't stop him. Someone stopped to help him and he stole their car and came after us again. He beat up on her a little bit and then left. The stolen car was found on a bridge later that night, and he was found a month later by a fisherman.
Times are tough right now, what is one piece of advice that you'd give to new college grads in any field?
Stay in school. It is a lot more fun, you can always get a part-time job, and get health insurance through school. If you go to grad school, you can probably get the majority of it paid for. If you were just getting out of high school, I would say use that college money to start a couple of businesses. If you fail a few times, who cares, you practically don't have any responsibilities. You'll just learn from your mistakes and probably still be less in debt than if you went to college. You can go back to school anytime.
Why I love Kern-Coleman.....
Kern-Coleman is laid back while still getting work done on time, has a great group of people, and has half day Fridays.